For over 10 years, Alameda County Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnerships (ACCIPP) has served as a County Coalition focused on those who work with or are concerned about children of incarcerated and justice-involved parents.
In 2017, ACCIPP hired a consultant to conduct an environmental scan to collect baseline information from key stakeholders about the formation of a new regional organization called Bay Area Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership (BAYCIPP).
The results demonstrated that there is overwhelming support from the nonprofit, governmental, and philanthropic sectors for a broader partnership to provide leadership to advocate for systems change, to foster regional collaboration, to implement relevant programs, and to raise public awareness related to families impacted by the justice system. Much of this work occurs in isolated pockets within local community organizations or county government agencies without opportunities for policymakers, service providers, or other stakeholders to share resources or build upon the success of neighboring county efforts.
We are a regional coalition designed to leverage resources, relationships, programming, and talent to enhance awareness and advocacy for children with incarcerated parents.
We believe that with the collective efforts of regional partners across the Bay Area we can strategically identify and allocate resources that will shift the conversations, practices, and policies of institutions that can unintentionally cause harm to children and their caregiving parent.